When I Think of Research….

June 25, 2011 mscland

Quantitative and Qualitative research designs are no longer a foreign concept to me.

In what ways have your ideas about the nature of doing research changed?

I had an idea in my head that research in early childhood involved child development theories or teaching strategies. I hadn’t given much consideration to the “smaller” projects such as (routine, parent involvement, literacy) that are simple for a novice researcher to begin.

What lessons about planning, designing, and conducting research in early childhood did you learn?

That’s easy….planning and designing is the most importmant thing to the whole process because in these stategies you’re research topic is in constant evolution. I changed or altered my topic with every assignment because as I learned more the more I realized my errors.

What were some of the challenges you encountered-and what ways did you meet them?

I was challenged in the beginning with my topic. I was so passionate about my topic that I couldn’t narrow it down. Dr. Ferrari’s feedback and the course text helped me see that while a topic can have you’re interest it has to be workable for the time limit and resources available. I then took my original topic and thought about ways to still meet that need but on a smaller scale.

What are some of the ways your perceptions of an early childhood professional have been modified as a result of this course?

I had NEVER explored this aspect of the early childhood field and as with any change I felt some discomfort along the way. I have an increase in pride in my chosen profession because along with the other hats I’ve known we wear, I can now had scientist to the list! I feel better equiped as a early childhood professional to not only understand research that I read but to conduct it myself.

I would like to thank my colleagues for their virtual support and to those that shared their course documents in the forum. The honesty shared in the discussion boards in regards to research helped me to not feel alone in my discovery of this new “territory”. I also want to thank our instructor for her feedback! I felt like I was back in my old university “meeting” about my project. VERY HELPFUL and challenging!

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June 2011